Seemingly harmless ants can become a real problem for a summer resident.
Elena Shimanovskaya ants ants in the country plot Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 October 2024The reason for this is the increased fire danger (due to which a red danger level has been declared in the Gomel, Mogilev and Vitebsk regions).
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News prohibitions Society 23 September 2024Almost the entire Mogilev region is "red", meaning that going into the forests is completely prohibited there. The exception is the Mogilev district, where restrictions apply.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News limitation Society 21 September 2024The Ministry of Forestry recommends that compatriots not visit forests due to the high level of fire danger.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News prohibitions Society 19 September 2024Lighting a fire in a prohibited place entails a fine of up to 12 BV.
Timur Khomichev Belarus Belarus News barbecue parks Society 18 September 2024Belarus is the only country in the post-Soviet space and in Europe that has provided 100% video surveillance in its forest resources.
Timur Khomichev Belarus Belarus News CCTV cameras Ministry of Forestry Society 15 September 2024If you're feeling low on energy, try shinrin-yoku, which translates from Japanese as "forest bathing."
Elena Shimanovskaya meditation Beauty and health 14 September 2024Visits to forests are permitted in five districts of the Grodno region, three districts of the Gomel region and two districts of the Brest region.
Timur Khomichev Belarus Belarus News forest bans restrictions on visiting forests Society 12 September 2024We tell you where visiting forests is prohibited and where it is restricted.
Timur Khomichev Belarus Belarus News forest bans restrictions on visiting forests Society 9 September 2024As of Saturday, September 7, restrictions were in effect in 94 of the republic’s 118 districts.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News prohibitions Society 7 September 2024But for now, such measures are still in effect in almost all regions of the republic. At least as of the morning of September 3.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News prohibitions Society 3 September 2024Just being in the forest can calm a person and make him happier.
Elena Shimanovskaya bathroom nature wild nature People and Events 6 July 2024The nature of our planet is rich and diverse, and one of its outstanding creations is forests.
Elena Shimanovskaya record Records and anti-records 28 February 2024Few people know, but box elder is considered the most aggressive weed in the forests of Eurasia.
Igor Zur plants weeds what trees can not be planted Records and anti-records 12 February 2024Not everyone knows why experienced gardeners collect leaves in the forest.
Marina Michalap now garden board country house Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 November 2023A trip to the forest is always pleasant, but a long walk can turn into a disaster if a passerby gets lost.
Dmitry Liskovich the rules board Useful tips 3 November 2023Not everyone knows which forests on the planet are the most beautiful.
Marina Michalap records tourism journey Records and anti-records 15 August 2023Tips from mushroom pickers on hand cleaning and preventive measures.
Igor Zur mushrooms tricks citric acid vinegar Useful tips 31 July 2023