Singer and musician Sergei Zhukov plans to sue his double, who is touring Russia with the tribute show "NE Ruki Vverh!"
Andrey Belyanin has chosen a simple way to get rich at the expense of his famous double. Zhukov intends to sue him for 5 million rubles.
The leader of the group "Ruki Vverh!" will sue the artist Andrey Belyanin for copying Sergei Zhukov, the Zen channel "Passion" writes with reference to the Telegram channel Mash.

Belyanin has been performing tribute shows for several years now, performing the hits of the famous group at his concerts.
He dresses like Zhukov and even completely copies his behavior on stage.
But as it turned out, this is not the first time that Zhukov has appealed to the court to protect his copyright.
In 2022, the court banned Belyanin's double from using the group's logo and intellectual property.
But instead of stopping, the lookalike renamed his show "Tribute Ruki Vverh" to "NE Ruki Vverh" and continued to give concerts.
Outraged by such an impudent way of earning money, the singer decided to collect five million rubles from the double.