Killer Food: The World's Most Dangerous Products Have Been Named

28.01.2025 14:44

Everyone knows that some foods can be dangerous to health.

But among them there are deadly ones. Even if you accidentally eat them, the consequences are fraught with a fatal outcome.

A plant, a mushroom and a fish are vying for the title of the deadliest food.


Among plants, the “main killer” is edible cassava, the food of the population of tropical regions.

They eat it because when properly processed, that is, boiled or dried, it is considered not to pose a threat.

Photo: © Belnovosti

However, the roots and leaves of this representative of the flora are full of substances that can transform into cyanide, which leads to paralysis or death.

Scientists have calculated that over 200 people die every year from eating raw cassava, and thousands become disabled due to cyanide poisoning.


The fugu fish is the leader in the animal world in terms of the level of mortal danger to humans.

Many people know that fugu is a Japanese dish made from poisonous fish.

Their venom can cause numbness, paralysis and respiratory failure within just 20 minutes of eating such a dish.

Moreover, their poison is 1,200 times more toxic than cyanide, while the lethal dose is only 2-3 mg.

In Japan, a chef must have a special license to work with fugu, since improper processing of the product can have dire consequences.

Dozens of people become ill from the fish every year, but deaths have been greatly reduced by strict regulations.

Death cap

But the death cap is the most dangerous mushroom for humans. Compared to others, this mushroom accounts for 90% of deaths.

Since it looks like a champignon, it is especially dangerous for inexperienced mushroom pickers.

If a person is poisoned, the symptoms (nausea, diarrhea, vomiting) appear after 6-12 hours.

Even if you eat half a mushroom, you can “call down” on yourself problems with your liver or kidneys, and such that will end in death.

One more thing to know: even heat treatment does not destroy the toxins in death cap.

Pavel Gospodarik Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor

  1. Cassava
  2. Fugu
  3. Death cap