Roses surviving Siberian frosts without shelter is not a myth.
Elena Shimanovskaya roses roses at the dacha how to grow roses frost Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 February 2025Blackened and browned rose stems, covered with mold, white coating or reddish spots, are a typical sign that the plants have rotted.
Elena Shimanovskaya roses roses at the dacha flowers plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 January 2025Winter is a challenging time for gardeners. They have many responsibilities on their shoulders, and protecting plants from the cold is one of them.
Elena Shimanovskaya roses roses at the dacha shelter covering plants for the winter Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 January 2025Many gardeners use materials such as spunbond, lutrasil, agril and other modern materials for winter shelter of roses.
Elena Shimanovskaya roses shelter covering plants for the winter growing roses Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 November 2024Winter presents a serious challenge for garden plants, especially for delicate roses.
Sergey Tumanov roses the rules advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 November 2024In order for roses to survive the winter successfully, they need to be properly covered.
Marina Michalap roses covering plants for the winter tips for flower growers Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 October 2024The list of the most important things to do in caring for roses in the fall is to collect, feed, trim and cover.
Igor Zur tips for flower growers Rose care growing roses dacha in october Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 October 2024If you are keen on growing roses in your garden, you have probably wondered: how to make roses survive the winter without cover?
Elena Shimanovskaya roses shelter winter flowers Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 October 2024Roses in a summer cottage are no longer a surprise to anyone – these flowers are often chosen to decorate their property throughout the summer cottage season.
Elena Shimanovskaya roses shelter greenhouse Garden and Vegetable Garden 6 September 2024Roses are one of those plants that need to be covered for the winter.
Elena Shimanovskaya roses flowers winter shelter plant shelter Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 December 2023