Winter presents a serious challenge for garden plants, especially for delicate roses.
Proper covering of roses for the winter period is the key to their successful wintering and lush flowering in the following season.
An expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", agronomist and landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh knows several effective methods that will help preserve these beautiful flowers.

Preparing for shelter
Before you start covering the roses, you need to carry out a number of preparatory activities. You should start with pruning the bushes. All weak, diseased and damaged shoots are removed.
The height of the remaining branches should be about 30-40 cm. Such pruning promotes better restoration of the plant in the spring.
The next step is to remove all the leaves from the bush. This procedure helps prevent the development of fungal diseases under the cover.
After pruning and removing foliage, the bush is treated with a fungicide solution for additional protection against diseases.
Hilling the base of the bush
An important stage of covering roses is hilling. To do this, a mound of dry soil or peat 20-25 cm high is formed around the base of the bush.
Hilling protects the root collar of the rose and serves as a basis for further covering.
Selection of materials for shelter
Various materials can be used to cover roses. The simplest and most accessible option is spruce branches. They allow air to pass through well and protect the plant from frost. Spruce branches are laid on top of the hilled bush, forming a kind of hut.
Another effective material is non-woven covering material, such as spunbond or lutrasil. It is light, durable and breathable. The covering material is stretched over a frame installed above the rose bush.
Air-dry shelter method
This method is considered one of the most reliable. A frame made of wire or plastic arches is installed around the bush. Covering material is stretched over it in several layers. An air gap is left between the layers, which serves as an additional heat insulator.
It is important to leave small holes for ventilation so that moisture does not accumulate under the cover. This method allows roses to safely survive even the harshest winters.
Use of natural materials
Some gardeners prefer to use natural materials to cover roses.
Dry leaves, straw or reeds also protect plants well from the cold. They are poured over the hilled bush in a layer of 20-30 cm and secured with spruce branches or netting.
Timing of covering roses
Determining the right time to cover roses plays an important role.
Plants should be covered after the onset of stable frosts, when the air temperature drops to -5°C. Premature covering can lead to damping off of the bushes.
Caring for covered roses in winter
During the winter, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the shelter. After heavy snowfalls, it is necessary to carefully shake the snow off the shelter so that it does not deform under its weight.
During a thaw, you should check whether mold or excess moisture has formed under the cover.
Spring Roses Opening
Roses need to be uncovered gradually in the spring so that the plants can adapt to the new conditions.
The process begins in cloudy weather, when there is no risk of return frosts. The cover is completely removed after the threat of night frosts has passed.