There will be no problems with them: which cat breeds do not cause allergies - top 3

13.03.2024 22:26

Cats create a sense of coziness in the house. But not everyone decides to have such a pet.

However, any breed can cause allergic reactions in people who are prone to them.

But there are some species that are less allergenic.

Photo: © Belnovosti

At the same time, the probability of allergies can be reduced if you wash your hands thoroughly after touching your pet, clean the house in a timely manner, and do not ignore wet cleaning. In addition, you should consult a doctor before bringing an animal into the house.

Today we will look at breeds that are less likely to provoke allergic reactions.


Sphynxes are almost completely hairless, which means that the animal needs special care. But at the same time, such cats are smart, calm and quickly become attached to their owner.

Balinese cat

This animal will be an excellent companion for a person, since it is easy to care for, and such a cat will not shed much.

It is worth noting that such pets have a friendly and sociable character.

Siberian cat

Experts note that representatives of this breed have a reduced production of allergenic protein, but at the same time, animals can actively shed in the summer months.

Earlier we talked about how to wean a cat off eating houseplants.

Olga Kotova Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor

  1. Sphinx
  2. Balinese cat
  3. Siberian cat

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