It will come as no news to anyone that each tree has its own energy.
Elena Shimanovskaya trees folk signs now superstition Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 February 2025We'll tell you why it's worth planting this tree on your property.
Timur Khomichev trees useful plants trees for summer cottages trees in the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 30 January 2025Some summer residents forget that an incorrectly chosen “neighbor” can negatively affect the condition of a fruit tree.
Kurchev Anton apple worst plant neighborhood cherry advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 January 2025As is known, rowan berries contain a lot of vitamin C, and these berries also boast antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Elena Shimanovskaya berries tree trees plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 December 2024Rowan trees delight with their beauty in autumn.
Elena Shimanovskaya varieties berries trees plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 30 November 2024If you plant these bushes at the beginning of November, they will most likely have time to take root before the frost period begins. At the beginning of the next summer cottage season, they will start to grow.
Kurchev Anton November autumn at the dacha hawthorn Garden and Vegetable Garden 6 November 2024According to beliefs, any business started on this day will be successful.
Kurchev Anton folk signs calendar birds Society 7 October 2024People who believe in omens pay attention to plants and birds during this period.
Kurchev Anton folk signs birds folk calendar Society 22 September 2024The ninth day of September was very important for our ancestors.
Kurchev Anton folk calendar folk signs weather signs Society 9 September 2024The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is the period of active potato harvesting.
Kurchev Anton potato harvest leaves beet Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 August 2024Despite the many positive signs and superstitions about rowan, there are some prohibitions on its planting.
Igor Zur folk signs fruit trees superstition prohibitions People and Events 11 December 2023In addition to the usual wild-growing common rowan, there are quite a large number of other varieties of this beautiful tree growing on the planet.
Dmitry Liskovich country house trees Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 November 2023Rowan is used in folk medicine, and also predicts the weather and protects against fires.
Igor Zur trees benefit weather medicine Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 November 2023Chokeberry is considered a fairly popular crop, and there are certain reasons why this berry is planted on the plot.
Dmitry Liskovich country house landing board Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 November 2023You should pay attention to chokeberries and lingonberries.
Olga Kotova nutrition berries health Beauty and health 22 September 2023Aronia nigra, also known as black chokeberry, is a fruit tree (shrub) that grows up to 3 meters in height.
Elena Shimanovskaya a plant tree now care the rules Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 July 2023Black chokeberry, or as the berry is also called, aronia, is underestimated by gardeners.
Dmitry Bobrovich berries taste cooking and recipes Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 May 2023Rowan berries are famous for their healing properties, so it is not surprising that summer residents struggle year after year to get a bountiful harvest.
Elena Shimanovskaya tree trees now berries Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 April 2023Rowan is a beautiful tree that will perfectly decorate any area.
Olga Kotova tree now signs Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 April 2023What will happen in a family if you plant a rowan tree near the house.
Igor Zur folk signs protection benefit berries Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 March 2023