
Silica gel

Have you ever wondered why there are those mysterious packets with the words "Do Not Eat" in the boxes of new shoes, electronics, or even medicine?

Elena Shimanovskaya life hacks household household items application Useful tips 24 February 2025

Probably, in every house there are a couple of old towels that have already served their purpose.

Elena Shimanovskaya towels textile life hacks tips for housewives Useful tips 3 February 2025

When you see an empty corner in a room, you immediately associate it with an unfinished and thoughtless interior.

Elena Shimanovskaya bedroom small bedroom bedroom decoration Designer's tips Design and interior 5 November 2024

When decorating a small bedroom, its owners have to consider many aspects: find a place for a closet, decide whether they really need a dressing table, decide whether one chandelier will be enough, etc.

Elena Shimanovskaya bedroom small bedroom small bedroom Designer's tips Design and interior 20 September 2024

Before you start preparing any dish, you should prepare not only the necessary ingredients, but also the necessary utensils.

Elena Shimanovskaya kitchen knives kitchen a knife storage Useful tips 19 December 2023

When the word “repair” is mentioned, the vast majority of people associate it with something extremely complicated, tedious and, of course, expensive.

Elena Shimanovskaya repair saving Interior Designer's tips Design and interior 16 November 2023
Cleaning products

Those who are committed to order need to ensure that every little thing in the house is in its place.

Elena Shimanovskaya storage things objects board Useful tips 15 November 2023

Many people experience not just a passionate desire, but rather a real need to decorate their homes with the arrival of the next themed holiday.

Elena Shimanovskaya decor decorations storage Designer's tips Design and interior 13 November 2023

Admit it: you probably suffer from the fact that there is no room for anything on the shelves of your kitchen set, and such necessary kitchen utensils are constantly in danger of falling apart – of course, at the most inopportune moment.

Elena Shimanovskaya kitchen things objects tools storage Designer's tips Design and interior 6 November 2023

If you scatter the tools and materials that needlewomen use in the process of work throughout all the rooms, the emergence of chaos in the apartment is inevitable.

Elena Shimanovskaya things objects storage Interior Designer's tips Design and interior 3 November 2023

You shouldn’t think that updating your interior is always associated with hassle and expense.

Elena Shimanovskaya repair Interior options style Designer's tips Design and interior 18 October 2023

Many people still feel that creating a space suitable for a picnic requires spending a lot of money.

Elena Shimanovskaya house design lighting carpets Designer's tips Design and interior 19 July 2023

If you have had a rolled up and once beloved (but now not) carpet lying on your balcony for several years, it’s time to declutter.

Elena Shimanovskaya carpet rest board country house Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 June 2023

If you still think that in order to make your house or apartment stylish, you need to spend a lot of money - on an architect, furniture, finishing materials, etc. - we hasten to refute these beliefs.

Elena Shimanovskaya style repair house apartment Designer's tips Design and interior 8 June 2023

Before we tell you how you can use fluorescent paint, we suggest you find out what it is.

Elena Shimanovskaya dye repair Interior Designer's tips Design and interior 8 June 2023
Village Interior

5 tips to help you incorporate country style into your modern home.

Igor Zur style village tricks board Design and interior 18 May 2023