Five popular breeds are recognized as true intellectuals in the cat family.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners characteristics of cat breeds pets and animals signs about cats Pets 16 December 2024Scientists have explained three human habits that manifest in bed as low intelligence.
Igor Zur interesting facts daily routine healthy sleep People and Events 27 November 2024Scientists believe that a woman's habit of being distracted by her smartphone on the first date indicates problems with intelligence.
Igor Zur unhealthy relationship women's mistakes first date social media Love and Family 2 September 2024American scientists have proven that love does not attract opposites.
Igor Zur interesting facts research by scientists relationships romance in relationships People and Events 26 August 2024Scientists have found that bright and saturated colors of clothing are preferred by ladies who did not show the highest scores in IQ tests.
Igor Zur women's behavior color selection female psychology research by scientists People and Events 22 August 2024Do you rarely clean your house and go to bed too late? Don't worry! It's quite possible that such behavior is not evidence of laziness and disorganization, but of... a high level of intelligence.
Kurchev Anton bad habits cleaning the apartment intelligence People and Events 22 August 2024Scientists have come to the conclusion that "owls" are superior to "larks" in intellectual abilities.
Igor Zur research by scientists healthy sleep interesting facts People and Events 5 August 2024In 1986, the Guinness Book of Records included a mention of the person with the highest IQ in the world.
Kurchev Anton intelligence interesting facts Guinness Book of Records United States of America Records and anti-records 2 August 2024