Unfortunately, not all gardeners are able to enjoy the blooming appearance of their violets.
Elena Shimanovskaya indoor violet violet bloom fertilizers for violets top dressing Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 January 2025Sometimes mistakes in caring for violets lead to the flower starting to wither.
Elena Shimanovskaya indoor violet violet resuscitation indoor flowers Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 December 2024From a scientific point of view, there is nothing dangerous about violets.
Timur Khomichev violet folk signs growing violets indoor violet Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 August 2024Not all gardeners know whether it is necessary to carry out the procedure of pinching violets.
Marina Michalap indoor plants indoor violet Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 July 2024If indoor plants are liked by many lovers. Still, violets are distinguished by their appearance, which can decorate any room. But also plants are quite unpretentious in care and please with long and lush flowering.
Olga Kotova fertilizers for violets violet bloom flowers plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 March 2024If you want the plant to start delighting you with abundant flowering as soon as possible, you should add fertilizer.
Olga Kotova fertilizers for violets plants top dressing Garden and Vegetable Garden 24 March 2024Violets are beautiful and popular indoor plants that can bloom almost all year round if you provide them with quality care.
Olga Kotova violet fertilizers for violets fertilizers Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 February 2024Thanks to its unusually attractive appearance, the violet has taken one of the main places in the hearts of flower growers - from beginners to professionals.
Elena Shimanovskaya violet indoor plants indoor flowers leaves Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 January 2024Violets are quite unpretentious in care, but they do not always bloom profusely.
Timur Khomichev violet violet bloom fertilizers for violets Garden and Vegetable Garden 23 January 2024Just imagine: you bought a leaf or a whole stalk of violet, fiddled with it for a long time, and when the plant finally produced buds, it turned out that they had nothing in common with the variety you so passionately dreamed of.
Elena Shimanovskaya violet indoor violet violet bloom bloom reasons Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 January 2024Sometimes it happens that violets, with pots filling the entire windowsill, delight their owner exclusively with lush greenery, but not with flowering.
Elena Shimanovskaya violet indoor violet bloom violet bloom Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 December 2023The violet is very unpretentious and does not like excessive care.
Timur Khomichev violet flowers floriculture growing violets Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 November 2023Violets are able to influence human life and destiny - superstitions and folk signs.
Igor Zur signs hostess relationship superstition People and Events 20 November 2023The onset of cold weather is a good reason to pay more attention to indoor plants.
Elena Shimanovskaya a plant bloom care Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 November 2023Compared to capricious orchids, violets can be considered unpretentious indoor plants.
Elena Shimanovskaya plants flowers care bloom Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 November 2023If you want to take care of the health of violets, then pay attention to a couple of tricks.
Marina Michalap plants flowers board top dressing Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 September 2023With the help of some simple methods you can "persuade" the violet to bloom profusely.
Marina Michalap plants flowers top dressing board Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 September 2023If the violet refuses to bloom, then two proven tricks will come to the rescue.
Marina Michalap flowers plants top dressing board Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 June 2023Wild violets can often be seen in fields, forests or on mountain tops.
Elena Shimanovskaya plants flowers growing board Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 June 2023The duration and intensity of lighting are of great importance in the life cycle of violets.
Elena Shimanovskaya violet lighting a plant Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 June 2023