If you want the plant to start delighting you with abundant flowering as soon as possible, you should add fertilizer.
At the same time, you can pay attention to natural products that improve the quality of the soil, making it looser. For example, you can add coffee grounds.
Anastasia Kovrizhnykh, an expert at the online publication BelNovosti, spoke about what else you can feed your indoor violets with.

As the specialist noted, it is acceptable to use wood ash, which deoxidizes the soil and at the same time repels pests.
It is enough to water the plant once every two weeks with a solution of one tablespoon of fertilizer and a liter of clean water. First, let the solution sit for several hours at room temperature.
Iodine solution also stimulates flowering. It is enough to dilute just one drop of this drug in three liters of water.
It is enough to use the product only once a month.
Previously we talked about how to maintain the health of indoor plants.