Unfortunately, not all gardeners are able to enjoy the blooming appearance of their violets.
Elena Shimanovskaya violets violet bloom fertilizers for violets top dressing Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 January 2025Sometimes mistakes in caring for violets lead to the flower starting to wither.
Elena Shimanovskaya violets violet resuscitation indoor flowers Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 December 2024From a scientific point of view, there is nothing dangerous about violets.
Timur Khomichev violets violet folk signs growing violets Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 August 2024Not all gardeners know whether it is necessary to carry out the procedure of pinching violets.
Marina Michalap indoor plants violets Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 July 2024How to create a homemade fertilizer based on yeast, known for its beneficial properties, which will become a real "elixir of life" for your violets.
Igor Zur indoor plants fertilizing indoor plants flower care tips for housewives Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 January 2024Just imagine: you bought a leaf or a whole stalk of violet, fiddled with it for a long time, and when the plant finally produced buds, it turned out that they had nothing in common with the variety you so passionately dreamed of.
Elena Shimanovskaya violets violet violet bloom bloom reasons Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 January 2024How to prepare a yeast-based solution for watering violets.
Igor Zur indoor flowers yeast feed flower care tips for housewives Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 January 2024Why violets should be placed in the wealth zone and what kind of composition should be made from flowers.
Igor Zur signs about wealth indoor flowers bringing money according to feng shui tips for housewives Useful tips 1 January 2024When choosing a houseplant, you need to consider various factors, and if you decide to buy a violet, you need to be prepared for the tests.
Dmitry Liskovich violet flowers tea Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 December 2023Sometimes it happens that violets, with pots filling the entire windowsill, delight their owner exclusively with lush greenery, but not with flowering.
Elena Shimanovskaya violets violet bloom violet bloom Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 December 2023Violets don’t need much to be “productive”: just lighting, regular watering and the simplest feeding.
Elena Shimanovskaya violet top dressing a plant indoor plants indoor flowers Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 December 2023