Ash is a good fertilizer. But this does not mean that it is suitable for absolutely all garden and vegetable crops.
Kurchev Anton ash blueberry blueberry mistakes of summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 January 2025Fertilizing with ash has a positive effect on many crops. However, there are plants that cannot be fertilized with unburned wood residues.
Kurchev Anton ash ash as fertilizer radish watermelon lavender Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 January 2025There are plants for which ash brings only benefit. And there are representatives of flora for which unburned wood remains pose a great danger.
Kurchev Anton ash use of ash harm of ash advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 November 2024Wood ash is a very useful, but not at all universal fertilizer.
Timur Khomichev ash wood ash ash as fertilizer harm of ash Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 October 2024Not everyone knows how to properly feed carrots with ash right now.
Marina Michalap carrot feeding use of ash carrot harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 29 August 2024With the help of two additional feedings in August, you can increase the yield of tomatoes.
Marina Michalap tomato feeding tomato harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 August 2024