The best option for planting after zucchini is nightshade or root vegetables.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners growing zucchini crop rotation beds in the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 December 2024Not everyone knows what mistakes during the process of harvesting zucchini reduce their shelf life.
Marina Michalap advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 August 2024Not everyone knows what secrets will allow zucchini to bear fruit for a long period of time.
Marina Michalap how to prolong fruiting zucchini Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 August 2024Not everyone knows what you can feed zucchini with to ensure excellent fruiting.
Marina Michalap feeding zucchini zucchini advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 24 August 2024Not everyone knows the reasons why zucchini do not bear fruit.
Marina Michalap zucchini growing zucchini Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 August 2024Not everyone knows why zucchini rots right in the garden.
Marina Michalap zucchini growing zucchini Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 August 2024Not everyone knows what kind of fertilizer will allow zucchini to bear fruit until mid-October.
Marina Michalap zucchini how to prolong fruiting Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 August 2024We tell you why zucchini rots and what to do about it.
Timur Khomichev zucchini growing zucchini Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 July 2024Not everyone knows how to save zucchini when the ovaries rot.
Marina Michalap growing zucchini iodine at the dacha Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 June 2024Removing the lower leaves helps improve air circulation around the bush.
Sergey Tumanov zucchini growing zucchini Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 May 2024