curtains for windows


Many people mistakenly believe that in order to adjust the size of a window, it is necessary to carry out a full-scale renovation.

Elena Shimanovskaya Designer's tips window curtains room with a window Design and interior 9 July 2024

The standards that architects follow when constructing buildings do not always satisfy the owners of modern apartments, not to mention buildings built more than half a century ago.

Elena Shimanovskaya curtains low ceiling windows Designer's tips Design and interior 7 July 2024

The designer named five colors that should not be used when decorating a bedroom, including when choosing curtains.

Igor Zur color in the interior bedroom Designer's tips mistakes in interior Design and interior 26 March 2024

The designer told what types of curtains exist and in what cases it is best to choose one or another model.

Igor Zur interior decor Designer's tips textile tips for housewives Design and interior 1 March 2024

Many people consider curtains in the kitchen to be an unnecessary element, and, admittedly, they are right – with just one caveat: we are not talking about all textiles, but only about some of their types, which are difficult to care for.

Elena Shimanovskaya kitchen design kitchens curtains Designer's tips Design and interior 23 February 2024

When our beloved pet makes friends with the curtains, it is important to know what to do.

Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets pets and animals Pets 19 February 2024
Washing machine

When washing, you need to use one additional ingredient so as not to waste time ironing textiles.

Olga Kotova curtains washing how to wash curtains textile Useful tips 15 February 2024
Room with curtains

The slightest mistake when choosing curtains can lead to them making your apartment interior look cheap – no matter how much money you spent on its design.

Elena Shimanovskaya curtains tulle curtains Designer's tips mistakes in interior Design and interior 15 February 2024
Living room

Well-chosen textiles will make the room more comfortable and the interior complete. Therefore, the choice of curtains for the living room should be approached responsibly.

Olga Kotova design curtains buy curtains textile Design and interior 14 February 2024

Correctly selected curtains in a set with drapes can undoubtedly make the interior of a room more comfortable and attractive.

Elena Shimanovskaya curtains curtains how to hang curtains Designer's tips Design and interior 12 February 2024

How to properly decorate windows so as not to spoil the interior of your apartment - eliminate the most unfortunate decisions.

Igor Zur apartment interior in the apartment Designer's tips mistakes in interior Design and interior 7 February 2024
Washing machine

If you want to refresh your curtains, you should first shake out the dust. It won't hurt to soak them in cool water for half an hour after that.

Olga Kotova curtains washing machine wash board Useful tips 2 February 2024