With the help of this psychological trick, you can not only please your interlocutor, but also win over any person.
Igor Zur psychological trick board communication with people attention People and Events 29 January 2025Your relationship with your partner can be safely compared to the legendary fight club, because the first rule is that you should not tell anything unnecessary about them.
Elena Shimanovskaya relationship Love partner Love and Family 8 October 2024Every manager has to have difficult conversations with their employees from time to time.
Vitaly Kisterny communication work aims Economy 12 September 2024Ask the person to tell you about themselves.
Kurchev Anton communication with people topics for conversation sympathy board People and Events 20 June 2024Young mothers often make two diametrically opposed complaints: that their child does not speak, and that their baby chatters incessantly.
Elena Shimanovskaya child parents and children communication Children 25 May 2024