Serving a punishment in the corner does more harm to the child's psyche than good - it's just a tradition.
Igor Zur traditions myths raising children religion People and Events 2 December 2024Not everyone knows why children may disobey their parents.
Marina Michalap child psychology Advice to parents Children 27 September 2024Every parent wants their child to be obedient. But sometimes children are capricious and show obstinacy.
Kurchev Anton parents and children raising children Parents' mistakes board Children 8 May 2024It can be difficult for parents to admit that their child is to blame for a fight. The reasons may be different. It is necessary to find out. At the same time, the conversation should be conducted in a calm atmosphere. There is no need to reproach, criticize or shout.
Olga Kotova children and family raising children parents Children 18 March 2024Not all parents know why problems with child disobedience arise.
Marina Michalap raising children Advice to parents psychology Children 18 December 2023