Since time immemorial, a variety of techniques and methods have been used in raising children, but not all of them stand up to criticism.
Children were flogged with rods, beaten with a belt, put in the corner. Regarding physical methods, the position of educators is very clear. But what about the corner?
Who came up with the idea that standing in the corner promotes child development and upbringing, reports the publication “ Russian Seven ”.

What the experts say
To begin with, it should be noted that, along with physical punishment, modern psychologists do not bless this method either.
It is believed that serving a sentence in a corner causes more harm to a child's psyche than good.
As intended
Initially, the interpretation takes us back to the times when only a few people doubted the existence of the brownie in Rus'.
Traditionally, the mythological character lived in a corner or behind the stove.
And if a naughty child ended up in the corner, then the owner of the house himself took on the task of raising him.
Children were frightened by this measure because of contact with the brownie, who could be strict and evil.
From a religious point of view
Icons are traditionally placed in the corners of houses and apartments.
To serve his punishment, the child was usually sent to the corner opposite the “red” one.
According to the parents, this contributed to the child’s sanity, as it symbolized a temporary separation from light and goodness.
For reference
Parenting is the process of teaching, protecting and caring for children with the aim of their healthy development in adulthood.