Praising a child is certainly necessary in order to motivate and support him.
Elena Shimanovskaya child how to praise a child raising children council mom dad Children 17 January 2025Praise is a powerful tool in parenting, but it's important to use it wisely.
Elena Shimanovskaya child how to praise a child council mom dad Advice to parents Children 9 January 2025One of the most important pieces of advice that can be given to parents of children of all ages is this: regularly say warm words to your sons and daughters, do not skimp on praise and sincerely admire them.
Elena Shimanovskaya child parents and children council mom dad how to praise a child Children 8 October 2024He noted: “When you are in power” and your subordinates praise you, “I feel uncomfortable, even if I understand that I deserve it.”
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News Alexander Lukashenko Politics 2 September 2024Every child needs praise. Without flattering feedback from relatives and teachers, the child loses motivation, becomes lazy and indifferent.
Kurchev Anton parents and children how to praise a child the rules Children 27 July 2024Calling your child "the best" is a wrong move.
Kurchev Anton raising children Parents' phrases mistakes Advice to parents Children 8 June 2024Praising your baby for every reason is clearly not the best solution.
Kurchev Anton parents and children raising children present Parents' mistakes Children 5 June 2024Excessive praise can harm a child just as much as a complete lack of praise.
Kurchev Anton parents and children raising children Parents' mistakes Advice to parents Children 9 April 2024Many people have a very hard time living because they don't know how to praise themselves. But it's important to learn to notice your own successes.
Kurchev Anton how to improve life achievements psychological comfort People and Events 4 April 2024Parents should not only punish their children for bad behavior, but also reward them for good deeds.
Kurchev Anton parents and children reward the rules Advice to parents Children 30 March 2024What is the value of praise? Well, at least in the fact that it at least lifts the mood and motivates to move forward.
Elena Shimanovskaya positive mood People and Events 24 March 2024You can seriously strengthen your relationship even in those moments when you don’t communicate or interact with your significant other.
Kurchev Anton strong relationship men and women psychological trick happiness Love and Family 21 March 2024Not everyone knows what signs indicate that you have overpraised your child.
Marina Michalap how to praise a child raising children Advice to parents Children 19 March 2024Saying the word "well done" is probably the most popular way to praise a child. However, this type of expression of approval should still be avoided.
Kurchev Anton child raising children Advice to parents Children 15 December 2023Many parents are not shy about praising their children. They celebrate any achievement of the child - even the most insignificant.
Kurchev Anton child raising children Parents' mistakes nature Children 8 December 2023The baby's character will change for the worse.
Kurchev Anton child parents upbringing error Children 18 October 2023How do parents usually praise their child? They simply say "well done". But this is clearly not enough.
Kurchev Anton child parents communication words Children 13 October 2023Some parents praise their children even for the most ordinary actions and deeds.
Kurchev Anton child parents mistakes upbringing Children 18 September 2023Children need to be praised. It is very important for little ones that their parents notice all their successes.
Kurchev Anton child parents upbringing techniques Children 1 September 2023If used too often, the word "good boy" becomes less valuable. The child stops taking it seriously.
Kurchev Anton child communication parents words Children 11 August 2023