How "Lazy" Moms Raise Successful Kids: You Should Do It Too

01.03.2025 18:56

You're exhausted trying to do everything: cleaning, cooking, helping with homework...

But the child still whines, is capricious and does not appreciate your efforts.

But what if the “perfect mom” is a myth, and the real secret to success lies in… laziness?

Photo: © Belnovosti

Not in indifference, but in the wise ability to step back and allow children to learn to live on their own.

"Lazy" mothers do not do homework for their children, do not rush to console them over every little thing, and do not plan their every step. And it is their children who grow up independent, decisive, and creative.

The first principle of "lazy" parenting is not to solve problems for the child. If he forgot his sports uniform, don't take it to school. Let him face the consequences: report to the teacher, sit on the bench.

Just a couple of such situations and he will start packing his backpack himself.

The second principle is to give the right to boredom. Don't turn on cartoons in a queue or on public transport. Let him draw on a napkin, count cars, come up with a story. It is in such moments that creativity is born.

The third principle is not to be afraid of children's mistakes. Broke a plate? Let him sweep up the pieces himself. Lost a toy? Don't buy a new one - let him save his pocket money. Through these situations, the child learns responsibility.

"Lazy" mothers save their energy, but spend it on the most important thing - trust. They do not shout "I told you so!", but ask: "What did you understand from this? How will you do it next time?"

Of course, "laziness" is relative here. It's not inaction, but a strategy that teaches children not to depend on your help.

Try not to remind about homework for a week, not to clean up scattered things, and not to interfere in children's quarrels.

You will be surprised how quickly your child will start to show initiative. And you will finally understand that upbringing can be a joy, not a burden.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

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