Certain rules of conduct must be observed not only by children, but also by adults.
Let's talk about forbidden things that no mother should do in the presence of her child.
Discuss others
We are all guilty of wanting to gossip about someone - a friend, mother-in-law, boss, etc. But if your child overhears your conversations, it can lead to awkwardness when he decides to share details he knows with the person you were discussing.

Everyone will blush – both you and the baby. So try to make sure that the baby’s ears don’t hear any discussions. Or maybe it’s better to refuse to talk about someone behind their back?
Break the rules
If you want your daughter or son to cross the road only on a green light, then don't run across the road on a red light. The kid simply won't be able to understand why you can do it, but he can't.
The same goes for, for example, eating chips while you are trying to teach your child to eat healthy food. Don't expect any benefit from such an educational method.
If a child notices that you regularly lie to him (and he will definitely notice this), he will stop trusting you.
It is much better to tell your child unpleasant news right away than to deceive his expectations and create a false illusion, so never tell your child that you are going to get toys when you take him to get vaccinated.