To minimize the likelihood of such a disaster, it is recommended to trim the tree trunk before placing it in water.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news New Year danger warning People and Events 30 December 2024The designer told how to decorate a festive table with napkins - three of the easiest options.
Igor Zur Designer's tips festive table tips for housewives decoration Design and interior 26 December 2024The designer told how to decorate a Christmas tree - how many flowers there should be and in what order the decorations should be hung.
Igor Zur Christmas tree decoration Designer's tips style tricks Design and interior 11 December 2024The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus explained how to choose an electric garland and how to use it correctly.
Timur Khomichev Belarus Belarus News New Year's decorations Ministry of Emergency Situations | Ministry of Emergency Situations Society 8 December 2024What decorations can attract misfortune - how to maintain an atmosphere of magic in the house.
Igor Zur Christmas tree decoration apartment decoration negative energy useful tips and life hacks People and Events 30 December 2023How to decorate an apartment for the New Year - examples of crafts made from natural materials.
Igor Zur holiday decor New Year's decorations Designer's tips decor Design and interior 18 December 2023An expert gave three pieces of advice to cat owners to help them celebrate the New Year without stress.
Igor Zur cat behavior New Year safety experts Pets 15 December 2023Six ways to decorate the front door of your apartment for the New Year.
Igor Zur holiday decor New Year's decorations apartment decoration Designer's tips Design and interior 11 December 2023The designer told what colors to use to decorate the interior for the New Year 2024.
Igor Zur holiday decor New Year's decorations apartment decoration Designer's tips Design and interior 8 December 2023It turns out that many people still put the Christmas tree in their apartments and houses in the wrong place - Feng Shui to the rescue.
Igor Zur New Year's interior New Year tree feng shui Designer's tips Design and interior 7 December 2023Top tips for decorating your 2024 Christmas tree - style and taste.
Igor Zur Christmas tree New Year tree Designer's tips decoration Design and interior 5 December 2023How to plan New Year's miracles and what to do in December to attract good luck.
Igor Zur New Year apartment decoration Signs of December luck People and Events 5 December 2023How to decorate windows for the New Year - examples of cutouts and alternative methods.
Igor Zur decoration windows Design and interior 1 December 2023Some festive ideas for decorating your front door for the New Year.
Igor Zur doors apartment design apartment decoration Designer's tips Design and interior 1 December 2023When installing a New Year tree at home, it is important to take care not only of decorating the tree, but also of complying with fire safety requirements.
Timur Khomichev Christmas tree New Year New Year tree New Year's decorations Useful tips 30 November 2023Five tips on how to create a festive mood with interior decorations.
Igor Zur Designer's tips New Year's decorations decoration Design and interior 28 November 2023The designer told us what New Year's decorations to use in an apartment.
Igor Zur decorations New Year's decorations Design and interior 27 November 2023