What decorations should not be hung on the tree: 5 decorations that can attract troubles and failures

30.12.2023 05:50

Decorating the Christmas tree is one of the key moments of New Year's preparation. However, according to folk signs and superstitions, not all decorations are equally auspicious.

Let's look at what details should be avoided in order not to attract misfortune and maintain an atmosphere of magic in the house.

Cracked balls

According to signs, cracked New Year's balls can be a symbol of a break in a relationship or failures in the coming year.

Christmas tree fireplace
Photo: © Belnovosti

Avoid using cracked balls to maintain harmony in the family. And even if there is a small damage on it, you should definitely refuse to use it.

Jewelry with sharp corners

Decorations with sharp corners or spokes can bring misfortune and danger to the home.

Avoid such decorations to prevent possible injuries or conflicts in the family. It is also believed that such decorations can be filled with negativity, and this will affect the luck of all residents.

Toys that are associated with sadness

Toys with images of sadness or sorrow carry negative emotions. According to superstition, they can attract the indignation of fate.

Choose fun and joyful decorations to maintain positive energy. And even if a toy evokes mixed emotions, it makes sense to refuse to use it.

Dirty or damaged jewelry

Jewelry that has not been cleaned for a long time or looks dirty can become a symbol of difficulties in the coming year.

Before decorating the tree, thoroughly wipe and clean all decorations. And if the dirt has appeared due to time and there is no way to get rid of it, then you just need to throw it away.

Empty bags or pockets

Hanging empty pockets or bags as decorations on the tree can symbolize financial difficulties.

If you want to hang pockets or bags on the tree, you should definitely fill them first.

Earlier we talked about how long a Christmas tree lives .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Cracked balls
  2. Jewelry with sharp corners
  3. Toys that are associated with sadness
  4. Dirty or damaged jewelry
  5. Empty bags or pockets

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