The designer told how to decorate a festive table with napkins - three of the easiest options.
Igor Zur Designer's tips festive table tips for housewives New Year's decorations Design and interior 26 December 2024Want to update and improve your interior, but not ready to spend a lot of money? There is a solution!
Kurchev Anton interior design paintings times candles Designer's tips Design and interior 25 December 2024We are talking about candles, pine needle compositions and wreaths. Stylish, soulful, festive.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news New Year apartment decor Design and interior 23 December 2024Dental veneers are made not only for the purpose of aesthetic restoration.
Elena Shimanovskaya record Guinness Book of Records teeth price Records and anti-records 12 December 2024We dare to assume that silver jewelry will never go out of fashion.
Elena Shimanovskaya silver and metal silver cleaning jewelry toothpaste Useful tips 10 December 2024Summer residents were told how and when to sow alyssum for seedlings.
Igor Zur tips for flower growers growing flowers flower seedlings sowing Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 December 2024As the New Year approaches, more and more people are thinking about decorating their homes. One of the popular and universal elements of New Year's decor is electric garlands.
Elena Shimanovskaya decor holiday decor New Year Designer's tips Design and interior 6 December 2024Law enforcement officers identified the offender. He turned out to be a 33-year-old resident of the Belarusian capital. The citizen was brought to administrative responsibility for his actions.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News cars Minsk 28 November 2024Four ways to decorate a garden plot that are accessible to everyone.
Igor Zur dacha in autumn Designer's tips garden paths Design and interior 19 November 2024It turns out that you can use buttons to decorate your gadget and at the same time protect it from serious damage.
Kurchev Anton smartphones smartphone case accessories Tips for users Technologies 3 November 2024Halloween is a bright and unusual holiday that is celebrated in many countries around the world.
Elena Shimanovskaya holiday Halloween decor Designer's tips Design and interior 30 October 2024The dining table often sits empty between meals when it is not being used for its intended purpose.
Elena Shimanovskaya table decor Designer's tips Design and interior 24 September 2024If the ring is no longer small for you, it doesn’t mean it’s time to buy new jewelry.
Elena Shimanovskaya ring wedding ring Useful tips 30 July 2024Every year, the trend of flowers as part of a dish is gaining popularity among food stylists.
Elena Shimanovskaya flowers Beauty and health 19 June 2024How to decorate a ceiling - choosing color, lighting and decorative elements.
Igor Zur Designer's tips decor white Design and interior 18 June 2024Recently, the quality of such decorative elements has improved significantly.
Kurchev Anton decor for apartment beauty Designer's tips Design and interior 17 April 2024Experts have named three reasons why children's ears should not be pierced at an early age.
Igor Zur children's health Advice to parents cosmetology beauty Children 10 April 2024This design element should not be overdone. In other words, there should not be too much molding.
Kurchev Anton interior design decor Designer's tips Design and interior 30 March 2024Eternal beauty, lack of allergies and lack of maintenance - this is what attracts people who use artificial flowers to decorate their homes.
Elena Shimanovskaya flowers decor Designer's tips Design and interior 1 March 2024For anyone who hasn't yet managed to take down their Christmas tree, it's time to do so – and don't worry about your house being empty.
Elena Shimanovskaya decor decor ideas Designer's tips Design and interior 29 February 2024