Find out the secret to a clean toilet and fresh air in the toilet.
Kurchev Anton toilet toilet cistern how to remove bad smell foil Useful tips 24 December 2024The seams between the tiles in the bathroom are a vulnerable spot. The surface quickly gets dirty and loses its snow-whiteness.
Kurchev Anton bathroom tile inter-tile joints clean the joints between tiles table salt Useful tips 11 December 2024We dare to assume that silver jewelry will never go out of fashion.
Elena Shimanovskaya decoration silver and metal silver cleaning jewelry Useful tips 10 December 2024This mixture should never be used as a hygiene product. But as a cleaning agent, it can and should be used.
Kurchev Anton how to clean a toilet plumbing table salt dishwashing liquid Useful tips 4 December 2024Toothpaste is undoubtedly a great cleaning product. Fun fact: it can be used for more than just oral hygiene.
Elena Shimanovskaya plaque on the cups cleaning the iron cutlery life hacks Useful tips 3 December 2024The most interesting thing is that you won't have to wipe anything. The paste with soda additive will "work itself".
Kurchev Anton baking soda washing powder how to clean a toilet household tricks Useful tips 12 October 2024Experienced housewives know: toothpaste can be used for more than just brushing teeth.
Kurchev Anton toilet cistern household tricks Useful tips 3 October 2024If you have children, you have probably had to deal with the need to clean drawings off walls.
Elena Shimanovskaya wall cleaning the apartment Useful tips 27 September 2024Choosing a quality toothpaste is the first step towards healthy and beautiful teeth.
Elena Shimanovskaya brushing teeth teeth Beauty and health 24 September 2024Not everyone knows how to clean the soleplate of an iron and stains from drinks on cups using toothpaste.
Marina Michalap toothpaste in everyday life clean the soleplate of the iron plaque on the cups Useful tips 17 August 2024Not everyone knows why you should freeze toothpaste with sweet soda.
Marina Michalap toothpaste in everyday life using toothpaste tips for housewives Useful tips 15 August 2024Val Kolpakov has collected the world's largest collection of toothpaste - there's even a whiskey-flavoured one.
Igor Zur collecting interesting facts Guinness Book of Records Records and anti-records 13 August 2024Not everyone knows how much the most expensive pasta in the world costs.
Marina Michalap records Records and anti-records 30 July 2024As you know, toothpastes intended for children are divided into categories based on the age of the child.
Elena Shimanovskaya child teeth brushing teeth Children 23 July 2024Toothpaste can be used not only for its intended purpose, it is an indispensable thing in everyday life.
Timur Khomichev toothpaste in everyday life life hacks with toothpaste Useful tips 15 July 2024The doctor explained what consequences excess fluoride in the body can lead to.
Igor Zur dental health maintain health medical advice heart health Beauty and health 12 July 2024Perhaps the most reliable way to prevent caries and oral diseases is daily brushing of teeth.
Elena Shimanovskaya child brushing teeth Children 28 June 2024Toothpaste is a very effective cleaning agent and also a good whitener.
Timur Khomichev toothpaste in everyday life life hacks with toothpaste using toothpaste Useful tips 21 June 2024Not everyone knows why you should mix detergent with toothpaste and baking soda.
Marina Michalap Preparing a cleaning agent All-purpose cleaner using soda Useful tips 12 June 2024Not everyone knows why experienced housewives apply toothpaste to the seams between tiles.
Marina Michalap using toothpaste inter-tile joints clean the joints between tiles Useful tips 8 June 2024