Experienced housewives have many personal secrets that help them in the cleaning process.
Enterprising women sometimes find such original methods that it is surprising.
For example, you can hear that some housewives freeze toothpaste with soda.
What does this give?
As it turns out, this way you will make an excellent product for removing limescale and soap deposits. You can use it when washing a bathtub, sink, washbasin, shower stall and toilet. By the way, this same product will also help to overcome yellow stripes on plumbing.
The product is easy to make.
You need to take forms for freezing and half fill them with any cheap paste. Then pour in carbonated sweet water and put them in the freezer.
By the way, you can use this same product to clean a gas stove from traces of grease and dirt.
If you simply freeze toothpaste without carbonation, you will have the opportunity to periodically treat the cutting board. This will help rid the device of unpleasant odors.