Ivleeva unexpectedly admitted that she got married, but did not say who.
Igor Zur Anastasia Ivleeva Telegram personal life Media | Mass Media Show business 10 December 2024The singer added: she intends to take a break for creativity and motherhood.
Kurchev Anton Olga Buzova singer personal life birth of a child Show business 15 November 2024Some men just can’t get their personal lives in order and create a strong family.
Kurchev Anton men male behavior psychology women Love and Family 24 September 2024A married woman should not be offended for long, lose control over herself, and that's not all.
Igor Zur advice for women women's mistakes women's behavior prohibitions Love and Family 14 September 2024Do you feel that your partner is about to propose? At the same time, along with the feeling of imminent family happiness, there is some anxiety?
Kurchev Anton family happiness signs advice for women Love and Family 9 July 2024When raising girls, parents often read them fairy tales about princes - and it is with this hope that they fall in love for the first time with teenagers they like.
Elena Shimanovskaya husband marriage Love family and relationships Love and Family 16 June 2024Knowing if you're ready for marriage can be difficult.
Elena Shimanovskaya marriage partner signs Love and Family 7 May 2024American scientists have collected the best recommendations that will help a woman hint to a man about marriage.
Igor Zur advice for women interesting facts board man and woman Love and Family 3 May 2024There are many women who have managed to find a wonderful man. How do you know that you are also lucky with your spouse?
Kurchev Anton man and woman male behavior family happiness signs Love and Family 30 April 2024Four reasons have been named why women are afraid to get married.
Igor Zur women in relationships fear advice for women family happiness Love and Family 26 April 2024A woman's desire to get married can sometimes reach incredible proportions, thereby developing into mania.
Elena Shimanovskaya woman marriage wedding Love and Family 7 April 2024Not everyone knows why married women are more likely to gain excess weight.
Marina Michalap men and women excess weight advice from psychologists Love and Family 25 March 2024For centuries, marriage has been considered one of the most important events in a woman's life.
Elena Shimanovskaya wedding marriage relationship relationship in a couple Love and Family 5 March 2024Many women strive to marry successfully and build a strong family. The most interesting thing is that the name can directly affect this.
Sergey Tumanov women names relationship happiness Love and Family 15 November 2023Many representatives of the fair sex want to quickly improve their personal lives and start a family.
Kurchev Anton girls Love personal life folk signs People and Events 26 July 2023This question worries a huge number of women, at the same time more and more women cannot find their man with whom they would like to spend their life.
Valeria Kisternaya psychology Love wedding board Love and Family 15 March 2023