How to Hint to a Man That It's Time to Think About Marriage: Science-Backed Tips

03.05.2024 11:11

Not all ladies get gentlemen who plan the development of their relationship in advance until the wedding.

Some women have to hint and desperately signal that they have an interest in starting a family. But it's not that simple - you can't just say that you want to get married.

Researchers from Oakland University (Michigan, USA) have found out what transparent hints will help women in this difficult matter.

How to hint to a man about marriage

1. Try to avoid ultimatums and other conditions. There is no point in entering into a forced marriage. At best, the man will avoid the topic, at worst, the relationship will fall apart.

2. Tell us about your attitude to marriage and family or how you see your wedding. But without details and personal attacks.

Photo: © Belnovosti

3. Don't try to convince a man of something and impose your way of thinking on him. Otherwise, a nice conversation will end in conflict.

4. Don't pretend that you don't care about the wedding and that you are indifferent to marriage. If you want to start a family with this particular man, be honest with him and with yourself too.

5. And don’t even think about talking about marriage with your man in the presence of friends, relatives, acquaintances or other people.

It’s better to choose a good moment when you are alone and the man is not distracted by anything – neither work, nor football, nor a gadget.

Earlier we talked about why some women lack drama in relationships .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor