Everyone knows the phrase that is said in sad circumstances - at a funeral or at events in memory of the deceased - “may the earth lie softly.”
Kind words only seem appropriate at first glance. But in reality, this is a phrase taken out of context, as is commonly said in society.
The head of the missionary department of the Irkutsk diocese, priest Nikita Zverev, in an interview with irk.aif.ru explained why one should not use the phrase “let the earth lie softly.”

The author of this expression is the ancient Roman poet Marcus Martial. If you read the text in full, it becomes clear that the use of these words is inappropriate at funerals or memorial events.
He used this phrase in one of his poems and it sounds like this in full: "May the earth be soft to you and softly cover the sand, so that it cannot protect the bones from dogs." This phrase does not sound at all friendly, - the priest explained.
These words were used to curse the deceased, wishing that he would not find peace in the next world.
Another reason why Christians should not use these words is their pagan origin.
But, as the head of the missionary department noted, people do not always think about the meaning of certain words and expressions.
That is why in ancient times the words “may the earth lie soft” were often carved on the tombstones of the deceased, as a wish for an easy afterlife.
When saying goodbye, Orthodox Christians say the words “Kingdom of Heaven” and name the deceased, the priest recalled.