Tactless questions are asked for various purposes, but most often they are asked by uncultured people.
In such cases, you need to answer the question in such a way that the interlocutor himself does not want to return to the chosen topic. And this is possible.
Here are a few techniques that will make your interlocutor regret ever bringing up the subject.

First move: "boomerang"
If you are asked a question that you do not want to answer or you do not want to disclose this information at all, then ask your interlocutor why he asked about it, how long he has been concerned about this topic, or immediately clarify whether he considers himself a cultured (educated) person.
Second technique: evasion
Instead of answering, you can move the conversation to a level in which you consider yourself a professional.
It is necessary to seize the initiative in the conversation. It should belong to you, not to the interlocutor.
You need to act assertively, politely, and your arguments must be well-founded.
Third technique: joke
You can avoid answering the question and avoid conflict by making a joke.
This can be done with the help of a quote, a historical anecdote, or a witty word or phrase.
All these methods allow you to save face and confidently emerge victorious from any dispute or unwanted conversation.