Here are a few expressions that you should permanently erase from your vocabulary if you don't want your words to become your child's inner voice.
Igor Zur Advice to parents words and phrases child psychology children and parents Children 26 February 2025Parents who surround them with overprotection are to blame for the fact that children grow up mentally weak.
Igor Zur raising children Advice to parents child psychology child development Children 28 January 2025A psychologist explained in which cases an adult’s jokes indicate a serious problem with self-esteem.
Igor Zur sense of humor raising children child development self-esteem issues Children 6 January 2025Howling is the same way dogs communicate as barking, which is something owners need to remember.
Igor Zur about dogs Tips for dog owners dog behavior how to understand your pet Pets 12 December 2024Three popular proverbs that are most often misused - it's all about the follow-through.
Igor Zur words and phrases dictionary history culture of communication People and Events 11 December 2024There are some mistakes in raising a child that should definitely be avoided.
Marina Michalap Advice to parents raising children advice from psychologists Children 5 October 2024Even ideal parents can make some mistakes in parenting.
Marina Michalap Advice to parents raising children advice from psychologists Children 27 September 2024Why does a dog develop an eating disorder and what to do in such a case.
Igor Zur dog behavior dog health Tips for dog owners pets Pets 7 September 2024Parents of teenagers were reminded of the mistakes they made in raising their children - they will regret it.
Igor Zur Advice to parents raising children teenager insult Children 20 June 2024Examples of phrases that can be destructive to a child.
Igor Zur raising children words and phrases communication of children negative emotions Children 7 May 2024Some advice for parents whose children are being raised by grandparents.
Igor Zur raising children Grandma's advice parents and children child development Diets 2 April 2024Why do children stop studying and what negative factors could have led them to this?
Igor Zur school and parents children and parents Advice to parents studies Children 1 April 2024Not everyone knows why loving parents won't yell at their child.
Marina Michalap raising children why can't you shout advice from psychologists Children 25 March 2024