How not to break up: you will be called a terrible person

31.01.2025 18:47

Breaking up is traumatic in any case, and if you choose the wrong method, then your partner will be left with a scorched field where his heart used to be.

To avoid making the feelings associated with a breakup worse, never use these methods.

You shouldn't just disappear from another person's life - no matter how hard it is, you'll have to explain yourself.

Otherwise, your partner is doomed to experience one of the worst feelings – the feeling of uncertainty.

It's better to talk face to face. Don't dump your ex over the phone or text. The person who got dumped deserves the right to ask what's wrong and listen to your arguments.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Even worse is asking someone else to end your relationship for you.

If you do decide to have a conversation, don't make it public.

If you announce the breakup publicly, shame, anxiety, awkwardness, etc. will be added to the many unpleasant emotions that your ex (or ex) is already experiencing.

Have you chosen to behave disgustingly so that the girl/guy will leave you?

By doing so, you condemn both of you to suffering that will continue for as long as it takes for your partner to decide to break up.

Lastly, don't blame everything on the person you once loved.

Most likely, you are the one feeling guilty now, since you are the one who initiated the breakup. Shifting it onto someone else's shoulders is a sign of infantilism.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources