You've probably seen a bride throw her bouquet and the unmarried guests fight fiercely for it.
Elena Shimanovskaya wedding bouquet bouquet of flowers bride People and Events 23 February 2025Have you ever noticed how happy couples seem to be charged with the same energy?
Elena Shimanovskaya relationship a ritual family happiness family life Love and Family 19 February 2025Any feast is accompanied by the melodic ringing of glasses. Where did this tradition come from?
Elena Shimanovskaya glasses drinks festive events alcohol People and Events 6 January 2025Many tourists on the last day of their vacation look for bodies of water or fountains on the map – they consider it obligatory to visit these places to throw a coin and make a wish to visit here again.
Elena Shimanovskaya fountain sea coins People and Events 25 June 2024Family dinner is a great tradition. Its existence is an indicator that the family is friendly.
Sergey Tumanov child parents dinner communication Children 13 June 2023There are many beliefs and traditions associated with choosing the direction in which to sleep.
Elena Gutyro signs bed superstition meaning People and Events 29 May 2023We explain the meaning of this ancient Japanese tradition.
Timur Khomichev Japan salt traditions Japan News People and Events 25 February 2023