The world has long been obsessed with consumption, but psychologists say that true freedom begins where the mountains of unnecessary things end.
Elena Shimanovskaya happiness psychology rashlamlenie cluttered apartment People and Events 8 March 2025She took out a sofa, three vases and a collection of magnets to the trash — and began to breathe. The story of Yulia from Yekaterinburg inspired thousands of subscribers.
Elena Shimanovskaya cluttered apartment rashlamlenie decluttering the apartment things clutter the interior Design and interior 24 February 2025Even if you have thoroughly cleaned your apartment, your home may still seem cluttered, and the reason for this may be quite unexpected.
Elena Shimanovskaya cluttered apartment decluttering the apartment things clutter the interior Designer's tips Design and interior 11 December 2024Some people (usually creative ones) feel very comfortable in the chaos of scattered things.
Elena Shimanovskaya apartment cluttered apartment rashlamlenie decluttering the apartment People and Events 16 October 2024Hoarding disorder is a mental disorder in which people display an obsessive desire to collect various objects and are unable to get rid of them, even if these things are the most ordinary trash.
Elena Shimanovskaya things garbage People and Events 26 September 2024Sometimes there are so many unnecessary things in the house that there is not enough space for the things that are really important.
Elena Shimanovskaya things cluttered apartment rashlamlenie Designer's tips Design and interior 6 September 2024It often happens that the balcony turns into a storage area for unnecessary things. Alas, the same fate can befall the kitchen.
Elena Shimanovskaya kitchen Useful tips 2 May 2024The tendency to accumulate unnecessary things is common to many people.
Elena Shimanovskaya rashlamlenie Designer's tips order Design and interior 25 April 2024"Visual noise" is a term used by modern interior designers to describe a cluttered space.
Elena Shimanovskaya Interior cluttered apartment rashlamlenie decluttering the apartment Designer's tips Design and interior 22 January 2024Arranging a kitchen is not an easy task, especially if it is a small “kitchen block” in a Khrushchev-era building, where you need not only to fit all the necessary items, but also to create a cozy space for cooking.
Elena Shimanovskaya kitchen Designer's tips rashlamlenie decluttering the apartment Design and interior 13 January 2024Some things clutter up the space and should be gotten rid of.
Marina Michalap tidying up order in the house Design and interior 11 January 2024Decluttering is recommended when tidying up and for anyone who wants change and renewal.
Igor Zur mess in the room Designer's tips cleaning the apartment interior in the apartment Design and interior 5 January 2024If you want your home to be clean and tidy, you will have to get rid of some things.
Elena Shimanovskaya kitchen cleanliness order Designer's tips kitchen cleaning Design and interior 27 December 2023Some summer cottages are real garbage dumps. Fortunately, there are few of them, but even in perfectly cleaned yards you will occasionally see a couple of things that are definitely considered trash.
Elena Shimanovskaya country house garbage plot Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 December 2023Housewives who are busy decluttering usually grab their heads when it comes to the kitchen - it would seem that there is nothing to clean out from here if everything is in its place.
Elena Shimanovskaya kitchen Interior garbage Designer's tips Design and interior 10 July 2023You may not even suspect that some items that are gathering dust in different corners of your apartment can make you feel depressed and spoil your mood.
Elena Shimanovskaya apartment house comfort order Designer's tips Design and interior 16 June 2023The interior of a bedroom may look bad not because of the absence of some important elements, but because of the presence of unnecessary ones.
Sergey Tumanov bedroom things design Designer's tips Design and interior 3 June 2023In properly decorated apartments there should be no places at all for storing old, broken and unnecessary things.
Kurchev Anton apartment things storage board Design and interior 20 May 2023Advice for those who are into vintage items - how not to confuse them with junk.
Igor Zur repair style furniture mistakes Design and interior 17 May 2023A space where chaos reigns in things carries only negative energy. A house littered with garbage needs a general cleaning.
Elena Gutyro apartment things symbolism poverty Useful tips 6 March 2023