Arranging a kitchen is not an easy task, especially if it is a small “kitchen block” in a Khrushchev-era building, where you need not only to fit all the necessary items, but also to create a cozy space for cooking.
Therefore, the expert of the online publication BelNovosti, designer Yulia Tychino, has compiled a list of things that should be gotten rid of during the next cleaning to avoid cluttering the kitchen.
In it you will find only those items that take up a lot of space and worsen the appearance of the room.

Empty cans
For those who regularly make preparations for the winter, glass containers are really necessary. But if you are not keen on canning and have not found another use for the jars (for example, you can store canned goods in them), you should not fill the free shelves with empty containers.
Magnets and notes on the refrigerator
As a reminder of a trip, we usually choose magnets. But don’t forget that the only place you can hang them is your refrigerator. As a result, a large number of souvenirs on the refrigerator door creates a feeling of chaos and disorder.
The same situation applies to notes that are often pasted on the wall or door. To avoid a messy kitchen, use an organizer on your smartphone.
Plastic containers
Storage containers are handy, but it's important not to overdo it. Get rid of containers you don't use, broken ones, and ones that don't have lids.
The number of bags (and containers) in the kitchen may exceed our needs, but we rarely use them a second time. Instead of storing mountains of bags, keep a couple just in case, and be sure to buy a reusable tote bag for shopping.
Of course, you shouldn't throw away all your dishes: the only ones that have visible chips, cracks, and other defects are those that belong in the trash. Let safety considerations convince you to part with them – after all, such a cup or plate can burst at any moment.
Earlier, the expert listed 5 techniques that will help to arrange a small kitchen.