Are you decorating your fridge with dozens of bright magnets from your travels? It's time to find out what this can lead to.
Kurchev Anton magnets fridge magnets energy saving tips for housewives Useful tips 2 March 2025Did you find a coin in the freezer and think it was an accident? Not at all. This is a trick that saves tons of food from spoiling.
Kurchev Anton freezer freezer coins life hack for housewives Useful tips 1 March 2025Have you noticed that sour cream often goes bad before you can add it to borscht or spread it on a pancake?
Elena Shimanovskaya cream storage food storage tips for housewives Cooking 27 February 2025The warm and sunny weather outside turns the kitchen into a battlefield: space on the refrigerator shelves is worth its weight in gold, and a pot of soup stubbornly takes up space.
Elena Shimanovskaya dish storage soup culinary tricks Cooking 26 February 2025You've probably seen those special egg trays in the refrigerator door. Convenient, right? But did you know that this might be the worst place to store eggs?
Kurchev Anton chicken eggs food storage housewives mistakes safety Useful tips 25 February 2025Open the fridge and see bananas, tomatoes and bread? Get them out immediately!
Valeria Kisternaya products food taste Useful tips 24 February 2025A refrigerator by the window is a fatal mistake. It blocks natural light and turns the kitchen into a cramped labyrinth.
Elena Shimanovskaya kitchen design kitchen design designer life hacks Design and interior 23 February 2025We seem to know our kitchen down to the last detail. But even the most common appliances are often used in ways that are not intended. These
Elena Shimanovskaya kitchen blender dishwasher useful tips and life hacks Useful tips 23 February 2025Imagine opening the refrigerator and instead of freshness, you are greeted by the smell of sour soup, fish, and forgotten cheese.
Elena Shimanovskaya smell in the refrigerator unpleasant smell eliminate unpleasant odor life hacks Useful tips 23 February 2025As soon as you notice ice in the chamber, defrost it immediately.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news freezer problems how to defrost quickly Useful tips 22 February 2025A used tea bag is not just waste, but a valuable resource that can be used in everyday life.
Valeria Kisternaya tea bag tips for housewives Useful tips 3 February 2025Cleaning the freezer is such a troublesome task that many housewives reluctantly put it off indefinitely.
Elena Shimanovskaya freezer freezer washing cleaning the apartment Useful tips 31 January 2025This hole is designed to drain the condensate that forms in the refrigerator.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news technique condensate water Useful tips 29 January 2025They can have a detrimental effect on certain technologies used in modern refrigerators.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news fridge magnets magnets life hacks Useful tips 28 January 2025Once or twice a year, a general cleaning should be done, as well as in the event of a long period of power outage.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news freezer cleaning life hacks Useful tips 23 January 2025Any housewife knows how quickly leafy greens spoil.
Elena Shimanovskaya green storage food products best before date Cooking 17 January 2025Fish begins to lose its properties almost immediately after being caught, so it is necessary to minimize the time during which it is left without refrigeration.
Valeria Kisternaya housewives mistakes fish storage Cooking 14 January 2025If you follow the rules for storing cabbage, this vegetable can remain crispy for two months.
Elena Shimanovskaya cabbage vegetables storage food storage Cooking 9 January 2025Numerous magnets on the refrigerator look ugly and cheap. In addition, there is a feeling of excessive motleyness.
Kurchev Anton kitchen kitchen interior fridge magnets Designer's tips Design and interior 9 January 2025