A simple and delicious recipe for cooking rice with green tea.
Igor Zur how to cook rice green tea culinary tricks tea bag Cooking 9 November 2024The next time you fill your washing machine with laundry, whites or colors, throw in 5-6 peppercorns.
Igor Zur tips for housewives washing machine washing clothes Society 16 September 2024The designer gave three examples that will help update the interior of your bathroom.
Igor Zur Designer's tips useful tips and life hacks repair Design and interior 20 May 2024Housewives were told how to wash clothes to remove the smell of sweat.
Igor Zur washing things smell of sweat household tricks machine wash Useful tips 7 May 2024How to use water after boiling eggs - first, stop adding salt to it.
Igor Zur advice for women household tricks boiling eggs water Useful tips 18 March 2024Don't think that hairspray only helps to fix your hairdo. After all, a resourceful housewife knows how to use a variety of things in everyday life.
Olga Kotova life hacks wool cleaning Useful tips 23 February 2024How to create the illusion that your home is in perfect order in 15 minutes - start with the main thing.
Igor Zur cleaning the apartment order in the house mess in the room tips for housewives Useful tips 17 February 2024A thrifty housewife will never let anything go to waste. Even apple peels can be useful in everyday life. And it's not just about adding such a component to the compost pit.
Olga Kotova pot washing dishes apples life hacks Useful tips 6 February 2024Bay leaf is a great spice that is often used in cooking to make the taste and aroma of dishes brighter. Bay leaf also helps in solving some household issues.
Olga Kotova bay leaf spices life hacks Useful tips 30 January 2024Choosing a quality towel that will last a long time can be called a difficult task. You need to approach the purchase of such textiles responsibly.
Olga Kotova towels things useful tips and life hacks purchase Useful tips 28 January 2024Many people are used to throwing away sour milk, but a responsible and thrifty housewife will use this product with benefit. The drink can be used in everyday life.
Olga Kotova milk life hacks useful tips and life hacks drink Useful tips 26 January 2024Many people are used to cutting bread from the crust and then gradually moving towards the middle. But experienced housewives know that it is better to start cutting bread from the middle so that the crust is eaten last.
Olga Kotova bread products food products kitchen Useful tips 26 January 2024Some people use artificial flowers to decorate their interiors. However, you can choose options that will not only please you with their appearance, but also be indistinguishable from real ones.
Olga Kotova flowers plants life hacks Useful tips 25 January 2024Anyone who has ever cooked fish in their own kitchen knows how difficult it is to remove the smell of this product from your hands, cutting board or knife.
Olga Kotova fish smell of fish kitchen smells Useful tips 23 January 2024Various fabrics can accumulate static electricity. The problem is especially relevant in the cold season.
Olga Kotova things cloth useful tips and life hacks life hacks Useful tips 19 January 2024If you want to extend the shelf life of vegetables stored in the refrigerator, you should use one trick. Few people know about it.
Olga Kotova vegetables useful tips and life hacks life hacks storage Useful tips 16 January 2024Musty smells and dampness may appear in places where dishes and cutlery are stored. The problem can be prevented with the help of just one penny product.
Olga Kotova kitchen useful tips and life hacks life hacks board Useful tips 12 January 2024If such insects were found in rice or pasta, the product should be immediately disposed of. It is definitely not edible.
Olga Kotova cereals storage how to store food kitchen Useful tips 29 December 2023Everyone is familiar with situations when you simply cannot show up at an event in wrinkled clothes. But at the same time, it is not always possible to iron the item.
Olga Kotova life hacks ironing ironing clothes iron Useful tips 28 December 2023