Remember for life: why you can't hang magnets on your refrigerator

28.01.2025 08:25

Surely the kitchens of many homes are decorated with refrigerators with magnets stuck to their doors.

Themes that have different images. It's like a memory of places we've been to, or like souvenirs from places we wouldn't mind visiting.

In general, these magnets are hung and the eye is pleased. But this can be dangerous for the refrigerator itself.

Photo: Pixabay

True, we are not talking about all magnets, only about some varieties.

They can have a detrimental effect on certain technologies used in modern refrigerators.

The worst case scenario for this type of exposure is a damaged refrigerator.

Therefore, experts advise not to hang these types of magnets on modern refrigerators.

But how can you tell how modern a unit is?

It's simple: such a refrigerator is literally "stuffed" with electronics, the enemy of which can be those very magnets.

Therefore: in order to avoid unnecessary problems, it is better not to hang magnets on the doors of cooling equipment.

But if you have older models, the magnets will not harm them.

What's wrong with magnets for modern refrigerators?

In the magnetic fields created by the former, which negatively affect the operation of the latter.

Pavel Gospodarik Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor

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