How to cook manti without a special pan: the “minute” method

01.06.2024 13:15

A mantovarka or mantyshnitsa – this is the name given to a special pot designed for cooking a dish with the equally unusual name of “manty”.

However, if you don’t have this “device” at hand, no problem – advice from the expert of the online publication “BelNovosti”, chef Yulia Arkhipova , will help you prepare dinner.

In addition to the fact that the method we are going to talk about does not require a special saucepan, and in this case, manti are cooked, although not in a minute, but still much faster than usual.

Photo: Pixabay

So, to cook manti, you can use the most ordinary frying pan.

In a small amount of oil, fry finely chopped onion and grated carrot, then add tomato paste, salt and pepper.

You can add your favorite spices and chopped garlic.

Then you need to put the manti on a vegetable bed, leaving small gaps between them so that they do not stick together, and pour the broth over them. The liquid should cover the manti by two-thirds.

After boiling, reduce heat to low, cover with a lid and cook the manti for another 10 minutes.

Manti prepared this way are no worse than those prepared by steaming, and the sauce is a wonderful addition to your favorite dish.

Earlier, the expert told how to prepare a cold soup with kefir .

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

Julia Arkhipova Expert: Julia ArkhipovaExpert / Belnovosti

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