If you buy a large bag of chips but can't even finish half of them, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise the next day.
Very often, during storage, the product loses its beloved crunch.
This happens because the chips absorb moisture from the air. To avoid racking your brains over what to do with a product that has become tasteless, store the chips in sealed bags.

But what if you didn’t know about preventive measures and the worst has already happened?
In this case, it is worth using a microwave.
Transfer the chips to a plate and heat at 800 watts for 30 seconds.
If you don't have such equipment at home, you can heat up the chips in the oven. The main thing is to turn on the oven in advance so that it warms up to 180 degrees.
After this, you can safely place the chips on the baking sheet and keep them inside for about 3 minutes.
The snack will be super crispy if you keep it in the deep fryer. However, it will also be more greasy due to the oil absorbed.
By the way, the trick with the microwave and oven can be successfully done with crackers and popcorn. A deep fryer, unfortunately, is contraindicated for them.
If the chips have become so soft that they can no longer be saved, they still do not need to be thrown away.
Make snack crumbs from them and use them as breading for dishes.