Not everyone can eat porridge for breakfast.
Timur Khomichev porridge breakfast unhealthy breakfast what you can't eat for breakfast Diets 15 February 2025Endocrinologist Kristina Prishvina spoke about the benefits and harms of semolina.
Timur Khomichev semolina semolina benefit harm Diets 13 February 2025Young parents, who are faced with such a “phenomenon” as complementary feeding of a baby for the first time, feel confused when faced with a wide choice of products.
Elena Shimanovskaya child nutrition baby food side dish Children 30 August 2024Many people are used to cooking porridge in the morning. It is believed that such food saturates with energy for a long time, perfectly satisfies hunger and helps to refuse unhealthy snacks. But not everyone can eat porridge for breakfast.
Olga Kotova porridge cereals breakfast healthy eating Diets 27 February 2024The liver, which is involved in almost all metabolic processes occurring in our body, is subject to enormous stress.
Elena Shimanovskaya health liver Beauty and health 15 February 2024The doctor named oatmeal as the best porridge. But much depends on the method of cooking the dish.
Olga Kotova porridge cereals oatmeal cooking porridge Diets 9 February 2024Semolina is considered a filling porridge. But if you want your baby to eat the whole dish, sometimes you have to try. In this case, additional ingredients come to the rescue.
Olga Kotova semolina porridge porridge recipe breakfast Cooking 11 January 2024Many people prefer to cook porridge not in water, but in milk. In this case, the dish turns out more filling, aromatic, and it also has a softer and more pleasant texture.
Olga Kotova porridge cooking porridge Cooking 4 December 2023Everyone heard in childhood that porridge is a must. But are all of them really healthy?
Olga Kotova cereals nutrition harm Diets 20 November 2023This group has a positive effect on immunity and muscle mass.
Olga Kotova cereals products nutrition Diets 10 October 2023The healthiest porridge is oatmeal. It strengthens the immune system and improves digestion.
Olga Kotova nutrition cereals products Diets 6 October 2023Older men and women need to pay more attention to their diet. After all, with age the body becomes more fragile, various diseases appear.
Olga Kotova nutrition products elderly people Diets 4 October 2023Many people have been used to hearing since childhood that porridge is a must to stay healthy and strong. But, as it turns out, not all porridge is healthy.
Olga Kotova porridge preparation cooking and recipes Beauty and health 8 September 2023Everyone knows that buckwheat saturates the body and removes toxins. But these are far from all the advantages of this porridge.
Olga Kotova porridge cereals products health Diets 4 September 2023Since childhood, we have all become accustomed to the fact that porridge is a healthy and filling dish that must be included in the diet of any person. But, as it turns out, not all of them should be included in the diet.
Olga Kotova porridge semolina products Diets 31 August 2023If you want to lower your blood sugar levels, it's not enough to just give up desserts. You need to completely revise your diet.
Olga Kotova nutrition products food Beauty and health 21 August 2023It is very easy to prepare a tasty and crumbly side dish even without the Soviet norm of taking two glasses of water per serving of cereal.
Olga Kotova cereals trick cooking and recipes Cooking 7 July 2023Nutrition should always be balanced. During a diet, this rule should also be remembered.
Olga Kotova cereals diet weight loss Diets 4 July 2023Millet porridge is a healthy dish that should be included in the diet of a person who cares about their health.
Olga Kotova porridge cereals trick Cooking 30 June 2023If you want to get a really tasty dish, you need to remember some nuances during preparation.
Olga Kotova cereals trick cooking Cooking 28 June 2023