Porridge is a great breakfast option that provides long-lasting energy.
Many people prefer to cook porridge in milk rather than water.
In this case, the dish turns out more filling, aromatic, and it also has a softer and more pleasant texture.

At the same time, not everyone can boast that they can cook porridge with milk. For some, the porridge burns to the bottom of the pan, while for others it constantly “runs away”.
Just two culinary tricks will help you avoid such problems and get delicious porridge.
First of all, you need to put some sugar on the bottom of the pan, and grease the edges of the dish with a small amount of butter.
This will prevent the milk from boiling over and staining the stove.
You should also pour some cold water into the pan at the very beginning, and only then can you add milk.
It is advisable to pour the drink after the water starts to boil. This will prevent the porridge from burning.