It turns out that rice porridge is not quite suitable for repeated heat treatment. Especially if the dish was stored incorrectly or if more than 24 hours have passed since preparation.
Kurchev Anton rice porridge rice groats mistakes tips for gourmets Diets 11 December 2024Do not place a plate of food in the center of the microwave oven's rotating tray.
Kurchev Anton microwave oven a vessel error tips for housewives Useful tips 29 June 2024What foods should not be reheated and what negative consequences may occur.
Igor Zur proper nutrition culinary mistakes tips for housewives seafood Beauty and health 2 March 2024Products that are not recommended to be consumed cold can cause enormous damage to the body.
Igor Zur proper nutrition diet useful tips and life hacks useful substances Beauty and health 28 February 2024There are a few myths about reheating eggs that are worth looking into in a little more detail.
Igor Zur proper nutrition fried eggs myths about food useful tips and life hacks Beauty and health 27 February 2024Some foods produce toxic substances when reheated, nutritionists warn.
Timur Khomichev food products warming up proper nutrition Cooking 20 December 2023