Dog Licking Fur? Read This Before It's Too Late

14.02.2025 10:00

According to Veterinary Practice News, 70% of cases of obsessive licking are a symptom of serious diseases, ranging from diabetes to tumors.

Dr. Maria Zueva from the Biocontrol clinic explains: “The dog tries to ‘lick’ the pain away, just like a person rubs a bruise.”

"I thought it was harmless until I found an ulcer on the dog," says Olga from Krasnodar. Her miniature pinscher licked its paw due to a hidden allergy to chicken.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Emergency test

If the fur in the place where the dog licked has become red, this is saliva with blood, which indicates the need for an urgent visit to the veterinarian.

There is also a known case when a boxer named Tyson started licking his paws a week before an attack of pancreatitis. The symptom, noticed in time, saved his life.

But licking is not always a disease.

Zoo psychologist Anton Grigoriev claims: “Dogs lick their fur out of boredom, especially if the owner works remotely.”

His research showed that 40% of pets whose owners sit with headphones on suffer from obsessive licking. The solution is puzzle toys and walks with their fellow pets.

One of the Russian veterinary clinics describes a case of a shepherd dog that licked a hole in its own side in 2 months.

The cause was a neurological disorder following a tick bite. The diagnosis was only made after an MRI.

A simple way to find out the cause is to put a protective collar on your dog for 3 days.

If the licking stops, the problem is in the skin. If it continues, look for a psychological reason.

To wean a dog off licking its paws, groomer Daria Smirnova advises to lubricate the paws with coconut oil, the bitter taste of which will wean the dog off licking.

But veterinarians advise looking for the root of the problem, rather than masking the symptoms.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

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