Are you sure you feed and walk your dog properly? Even experienced owners often fail to notice deadly little things.
Popular mistakes
For example, the habit of giving your dog bones from the table can lead to intestinal perforation.
Chicken and fish bones break into sharp pieces that cut into internal organs.
But that's not all. Many people buy anti-bark collars, not suspecting that they cause burns and psychological trauma.
Walking in winter can damage paw pads due to the salt and other chemicals used to treat roads and sidewalks.
Did you know that some houseplants are poisonous to dogs? Aloe, dieffenbachia, and even regular tulips cause poisoning. If your dog chews flowers, immediately put them on the top shelves.
And never leave food in the bowl all day! Dogs should eat in portions, otherwise the risk of gastric torsion increases threefold. This is especially true for large breeds.
But the main danger is water. A bowl with stagnant water becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. Wash it with soda every day and fill it with filtered water.
And if your dog drinks from puddles, immediately buy a drinking fountain - running water attracts animals and reduces the risk of contracting leptospirosis.
It's not just the home that's dangerous. Walks in the park can turn into disaster if your pet picks up poisonous plants, such as belladonna or foxglove.
Make sure your dog doesn't chew grass near roads, as heavy metals accumulate there.
And never ignore vaccinations! Even if your dog does not interact with other dogs, viruses like distemper or parvovirus can enter the house through shoes.
Visit your veterinarian once a year to be checked for heartworms, which are transmitted by mosquito bites and are deadly.
And if you notice that your dog is lethargic, losing weight or coughing, get tested immediately.
When it comes to nutrition, forget the myth that dogs only need meat. They need vegetables, grains, and vitamins.
But not all products are safe: chocolate, grapes and onions cause poisoning.
Prepare your own food or choose food labeled “holistic” – it does not contain any chemical additives.
And remember: overfeeding is as dangerous as starvation. Obesity shortens the life of a pet by 2-3 years.