The truth is that viruses fly in the air, cling to shoes and clothes, and owners themselves bring them into the house.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners Tips for dog owners dog health disease prevention Pets 25 February 2025According to the agency, active vaccination against influenza is currently being carried out in the country.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News infection Beauty and health 26 November 2024General practitioner Alexander Verbovikov explains whether it is necessary to take tests before getting a flu shot or whether a regular examination by a general practitioner is enough.
Timur Khomichev Belarus Belarus News the flu Society 9 October 2024According to the Ministry of Health, it is planned to cover more than 2 million people with immunization.
Timur Khomichev Belarus Belarus News the flu Society 30 September 2024Spring is not only the time when nature awakens, but also the right time to take care of the health of your pets.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets pets and animals dogs Pets 28 February 2024The veterinarian explained what needs to be done after the cat returns from a walk and what infections the pet should be vaccinated against.
Igor Zur vet for cat cat in the apartment cat health board Pets 13 December 2023Those who want to try themselves in the role of a ferret owner should first familiarize themselves with the requirements that these undoubtedly cute animals “present” to their owner and habitat.
Elena Shimanovskaya pets animals care walk space Pets 13 October 2023How a cat can infect a person - the sad consequences of a bite.
Igor Zur cat health rabies experts Pets 12 May 2023What diseases are easier to vaccinate dogs against than to cure?
Igor Zur pets health dogs disease Pets 21 March 2023Pets should be vaccinated against rabies, even if they do not go outside.
Igor Zur cats health mistakes rabies Pets 14 March 2023