Adolescence is a time of experimentation and searching for one’s “self”.
Elena Shimanovskaya child teenager tattoo piercing Children 30 January 2025High blood sugar significantly affects a person's appearance, scientists say.
Timur Khomichev sugar diabetes mellitus symptoms harm of sugar Beauty and health 8 December 2024The plastic surgeon believes that Pugacheva’s health has noticeably worsened and it’s not just about her appearance.
Igor Zur Alla Pugacheva plastic surgeries health condition social media Show business 5 December 2024Probably every woman would like her lips to be beautiful and seductive.
Elena Shimanovskaya lips beauty care Beauty and health 20 November 2024Some details greatly "cheapen" the image of a woman.
Marina Michalap beauty style advice for women Beauty and health 29 October 2024Do you want to look younger but don't know how to achieve it?
Elena Shimanovskaya youth preserve youth life hacks Beauty and health 22 October 2024Sometimes women are too critical of themselves and see problems where there are none.
Elena Shimanovskaya women attractiveness Love and Family 10 October 2024Don't criticize your daughter's appearance.
Kurchev Anton girl criticism raising a daughter Parents' mistakes Children 15 August 2024British scientists have come to the conclusion that dog breeders themselves choose a dog in which they see something of themselves.
Igor Zur about dogs Tips for dog owners research by scientists interesting facts Pets 6 August 2024When loud barking is heard from almost every dog nearby, then the problem, apparently, is in the person himself.
Kurchev Anton dog behavior why does the dog bark reasons gait Pets 13 July 2024Many parents call their children not by name, but by nickname. "Doll", "Sun", "Bunny"... It turns out cute and loving.
Kurchev Anton parents and children communication with a child Advice to parents Children 25 June 2024Not everyone knows what 3 details of appearance will turn a middle-aged woman into a grandmother.
Marina Michalap beauty secrets advice for women age Beauty and health 30 May 2024Dark circles under the eyes spoil a person's appearance.
Kurchev Anton circles under the eyes smoking healthy sleep allergy Beauty and health 5 April 2024Adolescence is a very important period in the life of a minor.
Kurchev Anton teenager parents and children communication with a child Love Children 29 March 2024Simple habits will help you stay young.
Elena Shimanovskaya skin youth youthful skin useful habits Beauty and health 28 March 2024Modern society sets strict standards of beauty and success, which include the cult of the body and conformity to social norms and expectations.
Elena Shimanovskaya girls women Love and Family 14 March 2024If a person has a critically high glucose level, then his skin will suffer, and regeneration processes will be slow. But you need to understand that "sugar face" is not only about acne.
Olga Kotova harm of sugar aging sugar skin health Beauty and health 12 March 2024French researchers have determined that certain foods make the face less attractive.
Olga Kotova harmful products scientists food products beauty Beauty and health 7 March 2024There's no point in hiding it - most of us are too fixated on our appearance: we strive to lose weight, get a tan, meet standards, choose clothes, and all this in order to hide our flaws.
Elena Shimanovskaya relationship man and woman Love and Family 5 March 2024Not everyone knows why some people tend to overestimate their appearance.
Marina Michalap self assessment self-esteem issues social psychology People and Events 30 January 2024