In most cases, hiccups are not dangerous for the baby. Despite this fact, we would like to stop this process as quickly as possible.
Elena Shimanovskaya child council mom dad Children 23 October 2024Emotional stress can lead to hiccups, so it's worth taking care of yourself.
Igor Zur consequences of stress pneumonia Beauty and health 22 September 2024American Charles Osborne set an unusual record. He hiccupped for almost 70 years.
Kurchev Anton United States of America man interesting facts Guinness Book of Records United States of America News Records and anti-records 27 June 2024Hiccups are an innate reflex that can attack a person at the wrong time and in the wrong place.
Elena Shimanovskaya Beauty and health 6 June 2024Many new mothers notice that their babies hiccup frequently.
Elena Shimanovskaya child baby Children 20 May 2024Several little-known ways to combat hiccups are unusual and even comical.
Igor Zur life hacks breath People and Events 6 May 2024Charles Osborne hiccupped 420,000,000 times in his life, for which he was included in the Guinness Book of Records.
Igor Zur treatment folk remedies useful tips and life hacks hormones Records and anti-records 7 March 2024Young parents often notice that during or after each feeding their baby begins to hiccup.
Elena Shimanovskaya babies Children 14 February 2024American experts have named a rather unexpected method that helps to quickly get rid of the problem.
Olga Kotova health useful tips and life hacks life hacks Beauty and health 26 January 2024The behavior of puppies often causes concern among owners, but this does not always mean the presence of a disease.
Dmitry Liskovich dog puppy Pets 25 December 2023Hiccups are a fairly unpleasant reaction of the body to stress, overeating or alcohol abuse. They can also appear due to an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm.
Olga Kotova folk signs signs People and Events 7 July 2023It is generally accepted that hiccups appear in children when they are cold.
Elena Shimanovskaya child children and family reasons Children 21 March 2023