Hiccups are an innate reflex that can attack a person at the wrong time and in the wrong place.
As a rule, distraction is enough to solve the problem, but what if there is no time to wait?
In this case, use simple methods that will help you cope with hiccups.

Cover your ears
Hiccups can be stopped by pinching your ears with your fingers for 20-30 seconds or by pressing on the soft area behind the earlobes.
To make sure the method works, simultaneously with this action, drink water in small sips, lowering a cocktail straw into a glass of liquid.
Stimulate your taste buds
You can get rid of hiccups by holding an irritant in your mouth - this could be a piece of lemon, a pinch of salt or sugar.
Show your tongue
Stick your tongue out as far as possible and hold it there for a while. Another method involving the oral cavity requires pressing on the root of the tongue – after this, you can forget about hiccups.
Earlier we talked about whether it is possible to drink tea at night.