Why does everyone say "cheese" in photos so often? Maybe because it works.
Elena Shimanovskaya photo photoshoot photo words People and Events 27 February 2025Learn to express your feelings without words!
Kurchev Anton declaration of love methods help Advice for lovers Love and Family 23 January 2025Dogs respond positively to this facial expression on a person: the animals feel calm and safe.
Kurchev Anton dog dog behavior facts about dogs interesting facts Pets 17 January 2025Smile, admit your mistakes and address the person correctly.
Kurchev Anton communication psychology of communication sympathy psychological trick People and Events 14 December 2024You can rejoice: the fluffy one is trying to... smile at you.
Kurchev Anton pets cat behavior interesting facts facts about cats Pets 28 November 2024As is known, tooth enamel changes color due to the effects of coffee and nicotine.
Elena Shimanovskaya teeth tooth enamel food products Beauty and health 1 November 2024Proper teeth brushing technique is the basis for preventing plaque formation and the development of caries.
Sergey Tumanov teeth the rules Beauty and health 19 October 2024An animal may not be able to "read" a regular smile at all. But a "dog smile" is definitely something the pet will notice.
Kurchev Anton pets facts about dogs mood Tips for dog owners Pets 22 July 2024“Men love with their eyes”... This expression didn’t just appear out of nowhere.
Kurchev Anton women woman's appearance eyes man's choice Love and Family 20 June 2024A psychologist explained why liars most often use a smile as a mask.
Igor Zur psychologists communication communication with people People and Events 18 June 2024Not all furry creatures like strong hugs.
Kurchev Anton cat Love facts about cats Tips for cat owners Pets 16 May 2024If the interlocutor does not want to tell the truth, then he controls his movements.
Igor Zur communication with people psychology of relationships companion nature People and Events 13 May 2024Fluffy creatures can show a smile. But not like a human smile.
Kurchev Anton cat pets cat behavior Tips for cat owners Pets 4 May 2024The secrets to a snow-white smile are not only regular brushing of teeth and visiting the dentist for special procedures.
Kurchev Anton teeth food products drinks Beauty and health 25 April 2024Being able to spot fake smiles is a very useful skill.
Kurchev Anton emotions eyes communication with people People and Events 21 March 2024Many may argue about when it is better to brush your teeth in the morning: before or after breakfast. The answer to this question was given by Dr. Zurab Khabadze.
Olga Kotova teeth how to brush teeth dental health health Beauty and health 21 March 2024A perfect smile is not so much a question of aesthetics as it is of health. It is important to remember a few simple rules to keep your teeth snow-white for a long time.
Olga Kotova teeth health doctor's advice Beauty and health 20 March 2024People often hide their dislike for some of their interlocutors.
Kurchev Anton communication unpleasant conversation signs human behavior People and Events 18 March 2024You need to pay attention to food that contains calcium and vitamin C.
Olga Kotova teeth harmful products healthy eating Beauty and health 10 March 2024British scientists have found out whether cats can smile and how they demonstrate their affection.
Igor Zur cat behavior research by scientists good mood pets Pets 22 February 2024